After leukemia, a vision for life

The biggest win for Manos so far has been his victory against leukemia. That win is his compass. 21 years later, it brings him a unique gift: a vision for life.


During the past few years I began to realize more than ever my health adventure with leukemia, 21 years ago. On the one hand I think that it took a long time for me to think maturely about this issue, on the other hand I believe that this realization came at the right moment.

This is because I am in the most creative stage of my life. At age 30, I have come to terms with this big win, which I believe will be the biggest in my life since it is about life itself.

This is my compass.

With God’s help, throughout my life, I have been able to appreciate even more life’s moment, from the simplest to the most difficult. And this is exactly because this adventure taught me about the importance of some things over others.

I've become stronger, and more human.

I have some fellow travelers in this journey, people with common experiences and shared victories, friends and friends of our group. The youth group of the association of “Floga”, which is an association of parents and children with neoplastic disease, and has a simple, but common vision.

A vision for life.



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