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Trial Title: Surgical and Non Surgical Treatment Option in Poly Cystic Ovary Cases

NCT ID: NCT05699356

Condition: Poly Cystic Ovary Treatment for Infertility

Conditions: Official terms:
Ovarian Cysts
Aromatase Inhibitors

Study type: Observational

Overall status: Recruiting

Study design:

Time perspective: Retrospective


Intervention type: Other
Intervention name: Non Surgical treatment
Description: Non Surgical
Arm group label: Non-surgical treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility
Arm group label: Treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by Cutaneous manifestation
Arm group label: Treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by controlling menstrual disorders

Other name: Induction, Aromatase inhibitor,Insulin sensitizing agent,Gonadotropin,Anti estrogen

Intervention type: Procedure
Intervention name: laparoscopic drilling
Description: Surgical intervension
Arm group label: Surgical treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by laparoscopic drilling

Intervention type: Behavioral
Intervention name: Treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by Life style modification
Description: Non Surgical
Arm group label: Treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by Life style modification

Other name: Non surgical treatment option

Intervention type: Procedure
Intervention name: Treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by Assisted reproductive technique
Description: Surgical intervention
Arm group label: Treatment of Poly cystic ovary for infertility by Assisted reproductive technique

Other name: Surgical treatment option

Summary: The study will focus on treatment of Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome patients with infertility The aim is to to find the best treatment by comparison of surgical and non surgical intervention

Detailed description: INTRODUCTION Infertility is the failure of couples to conceive after one year of having regular unprotected coitus 1, 2&3 Globally there are 48 -186 million people cases reported with infertility. The common causes of infertility are being male factor, tubal peritoneal factor, cervical mucus, an ovulatory disorders and others causes including anti-sperm antibodies, luteal phase deficiency, diabetic mellitus, genital tract infection 1,2&4 Infertility is often multifactorial so during treatment multiple investigations should be conducted 2 Anovulation cover 30% of all infertility cases, is a complex process by which there is a failure of ovary to release mature ovarian follicles and involves a lot of potential causes 2&5 The clinical symptoms of anovulating cycles are irregular periods, light or heavy menses, deficiency of cervical mucus, Irregular Basal Body Temperature (BBT) 2&5 The common causes of anovulatory cycle is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), other causes are due to hypothalamus or pituitary gland dysfunction, Premature ovarian failure, high serum estradiol in follicular phase, age above 45, hyper prolactinemia, subclinical hypothyroidism, drugs, luteinized unruptured follicles, Diabetes mellitus, athletic activity and people who do not eat and become very slim 1,2&5 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in a female of child bearing age characterized by menstrual disorders, hyperandrogenism, multiple ovarian cysts and anovulatory cycle 6 The causes of this condition are idiopathic, but the following reasons are highly suggested to be associated with PCO 6&7 Insulin resistance develop from excess insulin lead the body to produce more androgen and causing anovulatory cycle 6 women with PCOS have low grade inflammation that stimulates Poly cystic ovaries to produce androgen which can lead changes in blood vessels and heart 6 PCOS also may be due familiar susceptibility 6 The sign and symptoms of PCO are Menstrual disorders including missed period more than 35 days, infrequent period less 9 menses in a year, irregular menses light or heavy period 6&7 Hyperandrogenism manifestation like hirsutism, clitoromegaly, masculinization, severe acne, in severe form of PCO (hyperthecosis) there is deepening of voice 6, 7&8 History of infertility due to intermittently ovulation, the condition also is associate with higher chance of miscarriage 8 Polycystic ovaries presence of numerous small cysts filled with fluid in the ovaries 6&7 Majority of PCO patients are obese which worsen the symptoms of PCO 6&8 About 10 % of PCO cases have type 2 Diabetic Mellitus and 30-40 % at age of 40 have impaired glucose tolerance test 8 Sleep apnea which predispose PCO affected patients to cardiovascular disease 8 COMPLICATION OF PCO Infertility, gestational diabetes, Pregnancy induce hypertension, abortion or pre term birth, steatohepatitis, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, lack of sleep, depression, thinning of hair, anxiety and eating disorder, abnormal uterine bleeding, acanthosis nigricans, armpit and under breasts, endometrial cancer a1 a2 The treatment of PCO is widely including life style modification, drug treatment, FDA safety alerts, metabolic derangements, anovulation, hirsutism, diet and activity, surgical intervention a3

Criteria for eligibility:

Study pop:
Women in a child bearing age with poly cystic ovarian syndrome

Sampling method: Non-Probability Sample
Inclusion Criteria: - Infertility cases with Poly Cystic Ovary sundrome Exclusion Criteria: - Infertility cases not related with Poly cystic ovary

Gender: Female

Gender based: Yes

Gender description: females on child bearing age

Minimum age: N/A

Maximum age: N/A

Healthy volunteers: No


Name: Suhag University hospital

City: Sohag
Country: Egypt

Status: Recruiting

Last name: Magdi M Amini, Professor

Start date: October 11, 2022

Completion date: March 28, 2023

Lead sponsor:
Agency: Sohag University
Agency class: Other

Source: Sohag University

Record processing date: processed this data on November 12, 2024

Source: page:

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