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Trial Title: Nodular Shrinking in Dupuytren Disease

NCT ID: NCT06321991

Condition: Dupuytren's Disease

Conditions: Official terms:
Dupuytren Contracture
Vitamin E

Study type: Interventional

Study phase: Phase 2

Overall status: Recruiting

Study design:

Allocation: Randomized

Intervention model: Parallel Assignment

Intervention model description: Simple random allocation will be ensured by the principal investigators' designated staff (study nurse of IORT), who will not be involved in recruiting trial participants, medical care, drug administration or follow-up, through the generation of a random numbers table with computer software program. A randomization list will be prepared by the Sponsor's designated staff, not involved in recruiting Trial participants, medical care, drug administration or follow-up.

Primary purpose: Treatment

Masking: Triple (Participant, Care Provider, Investigator)

Masking description: To avoid bias, treatment arms will be blinded to Investigators, Trial staff, participants,.. as follows: vitamin E creme will be packaged and labelled in such a way that the visual appearance, nor the smell and/or touch of the creme can be distinguished from placebo (Vaseline).


Intervention type: Drug
Intervention name: Vitamin E-creme (Remederm®) vs Vaseline (Placebo)
Description: Louis Widmer Remederm® Face Cream Without Perfume 50 ml is a skin care product that contains vitamin E as an active ingredient. Before applying Remederm®, the following are advised: On dry clean skin thoroughly before applying Remederm®, apply a layer of cream cutaneous to the hand palm, twice a day: morning and evening, massage cream into skin until absorbed. This procedure is applied by the patient treated with Vaseline or Remederm®.
Arm group label: Dupuytren Disease patients receiving Remederm® (Vitamine E creme)
Arm group label: Dupuytren Disease patients receiving Vasiline (Placebo)

Intervention type: Procedure
Intervention name: Ultrasound measurement
Description: Nodule evolution will be measured with ultrasound.
Arm group label: Dupuytren Disease patients receiving Remederm® (Vitamine E creme)
Arm group label: Dupuytren Disease patients receiving Vasiline (Placebo)

Summary: Dupuytren disease (DD) is a common hand disorder with disabling finger contractures that may require surgery to restore function. In the early stages of the disease, the nodules (Tubiana stage 0) are usually painless, but a reason for concern to many patients. Not rarely, lifestyle measures and even risky treatment options as radiotherapy are advised, yet no therapy to prevent disease evolution has a solid proven effect. Furthermore, reliable non-invasive measurement of early stage DD is not validated. Evidence was found that pharmacotherapy may influence DD evolution, but valuable clinical trials are limited. Case series and non-published explorative follow-up suggested local treatment with antioxidant vitamin E to possibly interfere with an evolution of DD nodules to contracting strands. This study aims to provide evidence on efficiency of this non-invasive treatment option. Secure measurement of nodule evolution is a clinical challenge. To measure this evolution, ultrasound and MRI scanning are currently being performed. Stage 0 (nodules) is more challenging to quantify. A strict individual follow-up by the treating clinician is needed to standardize measurement of selected (treated) nodules. Therefore, simple ultrasound by the treating clinician may provide an good tool to collect data. This study aims to introduce and validate this non-invasive scan method and provide a prospective double blind investigation of a measurable effect of non-invasive preventive treatment for stage 0 DD to improve clinical outcome.

Detailed description: Dupuytren disease (DD) is a common hand disorder with disabling finger contractures that may require surgery to restore function. The contractures are caused by progressive fibroproliferative tissue forming nodules and strands in the palmar fascia that eventually cause loss of finger extension. In the early stages of the disease, the nodules (Tubiana stage 0) are usually painless, but a reason for concern to many patients. They often seek the hand surgeon's advice and worry about losing hand function the coming years, commonly requesting for precautionary measures to stop evolution towards contractures (Tubiana stage 1-4). Not rarely, lifestyle measures and even risky treatment options as radiotherapy are advised, yet no therapy to prevent disease evolution has a solid proven effect. Furthermore, reliable non-invasive measurement of early stage DD is not validated. However, this is needed to explore any efficient preventive treatment that may be cost-efficient for patients and healthcare. Evidence was found that pharmacotherapy may influence DD evolution, but valuable clinical trials are limited. Case series and non-published explorative follow-up suggested local treatment with antioxidant vitamin E to possibly interfere with an evolution of DD nodules to contracting strands. Therefore, it is recommended to consider local creams to the palms in such situation. This study aims to provide evidence on efficiency of this non-invasive treatment option. Secure measurement of nodule evolution is a clinical challenge. To measure this evolution, ultrasound and MRI scanning are currently being performed. In clinical practice, although clinical staging of contractures is reliable, stage 0 (nodules) is more challenging to quantify. If observed, nodules (evolution) are often measured by clinical yardstick assessment. However, this technique is unvalidated and unreliable with inevitable significant inter- and intra-observer unreliability, which may improve with sonography. A strict individual follow-up by the treating clinician is needed to standardize measurement of selected (treated) nodules. Therefore, simple ultrasound by the treating clinician may provide an good tool to collect data. The V-Scan (simple office-based Bluetooth ultrasonography) may aid to achieve this and its use is successfully implemented since 1 year at the hand Surgery department at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) by and under supervision of Prof Dr X. Libouton. This study aims to introduce and validate this non-invasive scan method and provide a prospective double blind investigation of a measurable effect of non-invasive preventive treatment for stage 0 DD to improve clinical outcome. Rationale: Application of antioxidant creme cause V-scan measurable arrest or even shrinking of the nodules in stage 0 of DD.

Criteria for eligibility:
Inclusion Criteria: - The participant or his/her legally authorized representative voluntary signed the informed consent prior to the first assessment. - Participants are ≥ 18 years and diagnosed with primary Dupuytren disease. - Included patients have a stage 0 DD (nodule of at least 5 mm in the involved hand without contracture). - The participant has well distinguished noduli that are clearly visible on US (ultrasound) Exclusion Criteria: - Patients < 18 years. - Patient included in an interventional trial with an investigational medicinal product. - Patients with cognitive impairments, severe rheumatic disease and neurological disorders leading to flexion deformities of the fingers. - Patients with prior Dupuytren surgery in the involved hand. - Patients with a higher Tubiana grading than nodular stage 0. - Open wound in the palm of the treated hand.

Gender: All

Minimum age: 18 Years

Maximum age: N/A

Healthy volunteers: No


Name: UZ Leuven

City: Leuven
Zip: 3000
Country: Belgium

Status: Recruiting

Last name: Ilse Degreef, Prof. Dr.

Phone: +3216338843

Contact backup:
Last name: Anna Tarasiuk

Phone: +3216338818

Start date: February 15, 2024

Completion date: March 1, 2026

Lead sponsor:
Agency: Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KU Leuven
Agency class: Other

Source: Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KU Leuven

Record processing date: processed this data on November 12, 2024

Source: page:

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