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Trial Title: Advice of Moderate Drinking Pattern Versus Advice on Abstention on Major Disease and Mortality

NCT ID: NCT06338215

Condition: All Cause Mortality
Cardiovascular Diseases
Invasive Cancer
Liver Cirrhosis
Type 2 Diabetes
Injury Traumatic

Conditions: Official terms:
Liver Cirrhosis
Cardiovascular Diseases
Wounds and Injuries

Conditions: Keywords:
Drinking Pattern
Clinical Trial
Mediterranean Alcohol Drinking Pattern

Study type: Interventional

Study phase: N/A

Overall status: Not yet recruiting

Study design:

Allocation: Randomized

Intervention model: Parallel Assignment

Primary purpose: Prevention

Masking: Double (Care Provider, Outcomes Assessor)


Intervention type: Behavioral
Intervention name: Moderate Alcohol Drinking Pattern
Description: Remotely Intensive intervention by specialized coaches (psychologists, dietitians, and other health professionals) to promote a behavior change on alcohol consumption. Repeated quarterly small group sessions and periodical personal interviews and educational videos, during up to 4 years with 1 contact every 3 months. Goals of intervention: 1. moderate consumption (7 or less drinks/wk for women, 14 or less drinks/wk for men) of red wine (a drink=150 ml). 2. always during meals 3. spread out throughout the whole week, and 4. avoidance of binge-drinking episodes. No participant will be invited to start or increase his/her alcohol intake.
Arm group label: Abstention
Arm group label: Moderation

Intervention type: Behavioral
Intervention name: Abstention
Description: Remotely Intensive intervention by specialized coaches (psychologists, dietitians, and other health professionals) to promote a behavior change on alcohol consumption. Repeated quarterly small group sessions and periodical personal interviews and educational videos, during up to 4 years with 1 contact every 3 months. Goals of intervention: Abstention. Message of 0 alcohol.
Arm group label: Abstention
Arm group label: Moderation

Summary: The goal of this clinical trial is to test two advices on alcohol drinking in more than 10.000 Spanish adult drinkers (men of 50 or more years and women of 55 or more years). The main question it aims to answer is to test the non-inferiority advice of a moderate alcohol drinking pattern on all-cause mortality and other chronic disease like cardiovascular disease, cancer or type 2 diabetes. Participants will receive during 4 years an advice to drink alcohol following a Mediterranean Alcohol Drinking Pattern (MADP): consuming alcohol in moderation, avoidance of binge drinking and preference for red wine. Researchers will compare those who will receive a MADP advice with those who will receive an advice on abstention to see if the advice on MADP is not inferior than the abstention advice to prevent all-cause mortality and other chronic diseases.

Detailed description: Policymakers and clinicians are currently perplexed on how to reduce alcohol harms in drinkers, because of contradictory guidelines: abstention is proposed as the healthiest option by many health advocates, stating that "there is no safe level of alcohol intake"; but most nonrandomized studies found lower all-cause mortality and other beneficial outcomes in moderate drinkers than in abstainers among subjects >50 years. However, potential biases may compromise these latter studies, particularly when effects are null or moderate. A large pragmatic randomized controlled trial (RCT) of realistic advice aimed to change behaviour addressing clinical endpoints is long overdue. It will provide first-level evidence to confront the harms of one of the most widely used substances by humankind. The European Research Council has funded, through an Advanced Research Grant (2023-2028) to the University of Navarra (Spain), as Host Institution, a 4-year non-inferiority RCT with more than 10,000 drinkers (men 50-70 years or women 55-75 years consuming 3 or more but 40 or less drinks/wk). The name of the trial is UNATI (University of Navarra Alumni Trialist Initiative). At least ten thousand drinkers will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to repeatedly (4 contacts/year) receive during 4 years two different advices: 1. abstention; 2. moderation (7 or less drinks/wk in women and 14 or less drinks/wk in men), avoidance of binge drinking, with preference for red wine consumed always with meals, and consumption spread out throughout the week, following the traditional Mediterranean Alcohol Drinking Pattern (MADP). Moderate consumption is hypothesized to be non-inferior. No initiation or increment in alcohol intake will be promoted. The primary endpoint will be a global index of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular events, any invasive cancer, liver cirrhosis, type 2 diabetes, depression, dementia, injury requiring hospital admission or tuberculosis or other infections requiring hospitalization. As a secondary analysis, the most severe outcomes (mortality, invasive cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction, liver cirrhosis) will be considered independently with sufficient priority over less severe outcomes, using ad hoc methods. The UNATI trial will provide for the first time an evidence-based answer to a question of the utmost interest in clinical medicine, given the high prevalence of moderate alcohol intake, and the current situation of equipoise with opposing views in the scientific community on the most sensible advice for moderate drinkers. The starting date for the project is December 1, 2023. The randomization of participants will start on June 2024.

Criteria for eligibility:
Inclusion Criteria: - Males aged 50-70 years, Women aged 55-75 years - Drinkers of any alcoholic beverage initially consuming 3 or more but 40 or less drinks/wk - Projected life expectancy more than 5 years (according to the judgment of their attending physician) - Willing to receive advice during up to 4 years on how to improve their alcohol intake making it healthier Exclusion Criteria: 1. Participants without smartphone or a computer (or tablet) with Internet connection. 2. Drinkers of less than 30 g of pure alcohol/wk or more than 400 g of pure alcohol/wk 3. Illiteracy, inability/unwillingness to give written consent or communicate with study staff, or inadequate abilities for the use of on-line technologies 4. Participants with any sever psychiatric condition or with a diagnosis of cognitive impairment or dementia. 5. Participants with liver cirrhosis or prior liver cancer. 6. Patients with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer (diagnosed in the last 10 years). 7. Patients under habitual use of high-dose medications that completely preclude any use of alcohol. Most of these patients will be already excluded by the second or fourth exclusion criteria.

Gender: All

Minimum age: 50 Years

Maximum age: 75 Years

Healthy volunteers: Accepts Healthy Volunteers


Name: University of Navarra

City: Pamplona
Zip: 31008
Country: Spain

Last name: Estíbaliz Goñi, Nutritionist

Phone: 34948425600

Phone ext: 80-6596

Contact backup:
Last name: Rafael Perez-Araluce, PharmD

Phone: +34948425600

Phone ext: 80-6672

Last name: Miguel A Martinez-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, PhD
Email: Principal Investigator

Start date: May 1, 2024

Completion date: June 30, 2029

Lead sponsor:
Agency: Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Navarra
Agency class: Other

Source: Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Navarra

Record processing date: processed this data on November 12, 2024

Source: page:

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